On Friday, October 4th, one of camera operators, Colin McMillan, was brought in by Jake Thourp to shoot some footage of Fear Factory of their website and commercials. This year they focused on getting POV shots of the zipline and the bungee jump the haunted house has.

This is the second year that he has been used to capture footage for Fear Factory. Both years they wandered the haunted house capturing general atmosphere as well as attendee reactions. “We love getting the reaction shots. Since the attendees see us filming they look at us wondering what we’re doing so they’re not ready for the monster that jumps out at them. We get better reaction footage that way,” says Colin. Too bad we’re not able to post any of the footage.

As a haunted house enthusiast, Colin looks forward to shooting at Fear Factory. “Its one of the highlights of my Halloween season.” Since Fear Factory is ranked as the #3 Haunted House in the world according to Buzzfeed.com and in the Top 10 in the US according to USA Today & Travel Channel, getting to participate in an opportunity like this is hard to pass up. That’s why Colin has said yes two years in a row and will continue to say yes as long as they ask him.

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