Screenplay coverage is the summary and analysis of a screenplay’s plot, structure, format and writing quality. Coverage consists of a number of elements. There is a synopsis of the screenplay’s story, highlighting the main characters and events of the story.

There is also a subjective review of the script. This can be a few paragraphs or a few pages depending on the length of screenplay. This section assesses the effectiveness of the screenplay’s various components – its concept, story structure, story development, characters, dialogue, and writing style. It also points out the story’s strong points and problem areas. The evaluation ends with a recommendation from the analyst as to what he/she feels the writer or production company/studio should do with the screenplay. The analyst will give the screenplay one of three recommendations:

  • Pass: The analyst feels the script fails to make the grade in most areas and that the production entity should not proceed with it.
  • Consider: The analyst feels the script has a considerable number of strong points and is good enough to proceed with, while acknowledging that it has a number of significant problems that need to be successfully solved before the piece can be considered suitable for production.
  • Recommend: The analyst feels the script is extremely strong in all respects and that the production entity should proceed with it without reservation.


$115 for feature screenplay coverage

(This is for 120 page scripts. Any script over 120 is an extra $1 per page. If the script is 135 pages the price would be $130.)

$100 for TV scripts

(This is for 60 or less page scripts. Any script over 60 is an extra $1 per page)

$70 for short films

(This is for 40 or less page scripts. Any script over 40 is an extra $1 per page)

Our typical turnaround is about 4 business days.

Contact Us about doing Coverage for your screenplay!

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