Motion Picture & Television Production

Hire us to make your feature film, short film, TV pilot/series, or web series/content for you!  We’ll take your project from development to release print. Hiring us includes writing, scheduling, budgeting**, production management, pre-production (including storyboards, locations, casting, hiring crews, building sets, etc.), principal photography, […]

48Hr Film Project 2020

Silver Screen Cinema Productions is excited to announce that we are registered for this years 48Hr Film Project, which will take place some time in June – Date to be announced. The 48Hr Film Project is a festival where participants are required to produce a […]

Paranoid Short Film 2014

Paranoid is about a young girl walking home from the store when she realizes she is being followed by someone who remains in the shadows. This was another project we collaborated with Silver Screen Cinema Studios. This was a fun project to work on. We […]

Death’s Hand Short Film

Death’s Hand is about a rookie reaper going about his daily work when something goes wrong. We filmed this project a number of years ago for Silver Screen Cinema Studios. We’re working with the Studios on having our rookie reaper go through other misfortunes. Written […]