The EBC Philosophy

As part of the Evan Brown Corporation Family Tree, Silver Screen Cinema Productions believes in uplifting society as a whole, as communities and as individuals by providing entertainment that is consistent with the EBC’s Philosophy. The EBC’s Philosophy, its belief, is found in the letters E.B.C.

E is for Excellence in all things;

B is for the Building up, growth and success of the individual; and

C is for Compassionate Service to Family Members and Friends.

Silver Screen Cinema Productions is dedicate to taking care of its Family Members (our employees) and Friends (our customers). If a Family Member is and feels like the odd man out, stifled, restricted, held back, misused or abused, our Friends will not trust our companies. If a Family Member is and feels as though he or she belongs, is respected, appreciated, valued, listened to and compensated well, this belonging will be conveyed to our Friends.